Dear VRTRON Community
COVID-19 has become a reality for everyone. We are seeing our normal lives and our daily routines shift before our eyes. Our hearts and thoughts go out to those affected by this unprecedented event, and we cannot thank the medical workers and first responders at the front lines of this crisis enough.

Throughout these tough times, I am grateful to see communities come together, to see neighbours helping neighbours, and to watch happiness shine in times of darkness. I believe that this is what we must hold on to. We must hold on to the part of our daily routine that we can control. We can keep the smiles, the laughs, and the acts of kindness that we hold close.

We want to thank you for being a part of the VRTRON community and hope that you can find joy in the games that we make for you.  We will continue to do what we can to bring a smile to your day… stay tuned as we come with a surprise soon.

Thank you again. We will get through these tough times together.

Ingo Mesche